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Your Questions Answered

Throughout the Budget 2025 consultation process we received many questions about a wide range of topics - from bigger picture items to questions about specific projects, properties, streets and more.

We aim to respond to as many questions as we can. We will periodically add questions and answers to the list below as we gather and summarize the information requested. We will also post on the City of Terrace Facebook page as questions are added to the list. Note that questions and answers are listed in no particular order.

Public input is so important in helping Mayor, Council and staff know what's important to community members, so a big thank to you all who took the time you took to provide feedback and questions. Much appreciation to all those who participated in the 2025 budget process - by filling out a survey, sending us your thoughts in an email, calling us, or attending the town hall with Mayor & Council!

Your Questions Answered

Questions and answers are listed in no particular order.

  1. Can you explain why taxes go up and City services stay the same or go down?
    The City experiences inflation the same way residents do. The cost of items such as wages, supplies, materials, and utilities increase every year requiring increased taxation and/or user fees to provide the same services.

  2. Can you explain why taxes went up despite the City receiving the Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance money?
    The agreement between the Province and the City of Terrace, through which we received almost $35 million over five years, is intended to support the renewal or replacement of capital assets and construction of infrastructure. Examples of this are roads, water, sewer and other amenities, needed for economic development and growth in the region. The agreement states that funding is restricted to the purposes identified in the agreement, and the funds may not be used to reduce property taxes.

    Find out more about the Northwest BC Resource Benefits Alliance.

  3. What does the $70,051 salary of the City's 'part-time seasonal gardener' include?
    The City's seasonal gardener position is a full-time position for approximately seven months of the year. The budgeted salary amount covers the salary and all applicable benefits (as defined in a collective agreement).

Stay tuned for more of your questions answered

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