Capital Projects

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Here at the City, we have a ton of Capital Projects that we want you to know about! These updates are meant to answer some of the more common questions regarding these projects such as: What type of work is taking place? Who's doing the work? How much will this cost and is this grant funded? Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions on a project that aren't answered here!

Here at the City, we have a ton of Capital Projects that we want you to know about! These updates are meant to answer some of the more common questions regarding these projects such as: What type of work is taking place? Who's doing the work? How much will this cost and is this grant funded? Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions on a project that aren't answered here!

  • Sportsplex Roof Replacement Project

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    The Sportsplex will be receiving a new roof over the domed roof of the Main Arena this month (June). At the cost of $375,000 this contract was awarded to A&J Roofing and will take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete. The public will see their equipment set up in the parking lot of the Aquatic Centre and parking spaces adjacent to the Sportsplex will be roped off to make room for the contractors to work safely and efficiently.

  • Graham Avenue Reconstruction

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    The 4800-4900 block of Graham Avenue is receiving a full road reconstruction. Water, Sanitary, & Storm mains are all being replaced and upgraded. New water and Sanitary services replaced to property line, with an addition of a 1.8m asphalt sidewalk, 9m paved road surface with curb and gutter system.

    This is a priority for the City because our sanitary system is close to being at capacity and poses a risk for backing up. Any future development would put a this at risk further.

    A small detour for the public is in place and the contractor has requested local traffic only. That being said, the Spotted Horse Nursery is still open for their regular business hours!

    Substantial completion for the project is expected by September 4th.

  • Generator Project for Terrace Sportsplex

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    The Parks, Recreation and Culture department purchased a generator at a cost of $250,000 (fully grant funded) to install onsite at the Terrace Sportsplex. This generator is crucial in regards to emergency response, as the Sportsplex is designated as the Emergency Operations Centre and this will ensure power is continued in the event of a major disruption. Additionally, this will provide cooling and heating in more spaces in the facility, offering up more of the facility for comfortable meeting spaces for the community.