Spring 2025 update
The Terrace FireSmart program has been busy over the winter, moving the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan forward, and making plans to continue to educate the public in the spring. Here's some important initiatives we are working on.
- The first draft of the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) will be ready in later March 2025. This draft will be reviewed by partners and stakeholders in the area. After the review process, any necessary changes will be made and the CWRP will be finalized.
- We've formed a Community FireSmart Resiliency Committee, which allows neighboring agencies to share information and collaborate on projects. This includes representatives from Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine, Kitsumkalum First Nation, Kitselas First Nation and BC Wildfire Service.
- We want to hear from you! We want to know where you are at with FireSmart in your life, and what you care about? Please fill out our survey!
- This summer, we plan to again have a booth at the Skeena Valley Farmer’s Market, we are working on a 'FireSmart BC Library program' with the Terrace Public Library, and we are in the process of planning FireSmart presentation that will open to everyone in the community.We will share more about these initiatives once the details have been figured out!
In the meantime, learn more about FireSmart initiatives and what you can do to help protect your home and loved ones at FireSmartBC.ca

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