Official Community Plan Update

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We are updating the City of Terrace’s Official Community Plan (OCP) to meet the needs of our growing community and to address the housing and climate emergencies impacting our city.

It’s kind of a BIG deal

This update is crucial for Terrace's 20-year development, outlining land use, future growth, housing, economic needs, and climate adaptation strategies.

Community input is essential for the plan to reflect residents' values.

The new OCP will guide Council and staff in decision-making. All other bylaws enacted and works undertaken must be consistent with this plan.

We want to hear from you!

We want to create

We are updating the City of Terrace’s Official Community Plan (OCP) to meet the needs of our growing community and to address the housing and climate emergencies impacting our city.

It’s kind of a BIG deal

This update is crucial for Terrace's 20-year development, outlining land use, future growth, housing, economic needs, and climate adaptation strategies.

Community input is essential for the plan to reflect residents' values.

The new OCP will guide Council and staff in decision-making. All other bylaws enacted and works undertaken must be consistent with this plan.

We want to hear from you!

We want to create a shared vision for Terrace's future. So the more community input we get, the better. More feedback from residents ensures the plan will meet the community's needs.

Over the next year the City's planning department staff will host a series of events and activities - such as open houses and surveys. We will be inviting community members to attend and or give input.

We want to know your thoughts on big changes proposed for the updated OCP.

  • Studying the potential for more downtown housing

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    Planning consultants and city planning staff are walking around downtown Terrace today and tomorrow (February 6 and 7) assessing commercial and residential buildings. This is part of a project to identify opportunities to increase residential housing downtown.

    The City is aware of housing challenges and the need for higher-density, affordable, market housing near services and amenities – for example, townhouses or apartments in downtown Terrace. Our consultant, Urban Systems, is conducting a zoning and commercial-demand analysis to support discussions about land use policy changes that support more housing options being built downtown Terrace.

    This study is part of the City’s Official Community Plan Update and efforts to increase housing in Terrace.

  • Show and tell us what you love about Terrace

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    Show and tell us what you love about Terrace on our interactive love map

    Place a point and comment on the map.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Go to the interactive love map
    2. Use the 'zoom in', 'zoom out' and 'pan' options to find the location on the map that you love
    3. Click on 'What do you love about Terrace?'
    4. Click on 'Place Point'. (You'll need to do this a few times before a comment box shows up.)
    5. Tell us the location you pinned and what you love about it.

    What if you love a lot of things about Terrace? Then put a bunch of points on the map. The more points and comments on the map, the more information we have to inform the OCP update.

  • November 7- Complete Communities Open House

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    Join us at the Complete Communities Assessment Open House!

    • Thursday, November 7
    • 4:30pm - 8pm
    • Sportsplex Banquet Room (3220 Kalum Street)

    Drop in anytime to learn more about the City of Terrace's Complete Communities Assessment. Deliverables from this assessment - including baseline data and maps, and future growth scenarios - will inform the Official Community Plan Update.

    The Complete Communities Assessment analyzes Terrace through the following lenses and proposes recommendations.

    1. Housing
    2. Daily Needs
    3. Transportation, and;
    4. Infrastructure

    This assessment and the resulting recommendations are in anticipation of future growth, to address current and emerging needs in the community, and in response to new BC provincial land use legislation.

  • See you at the Farmers Market!

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    On Saturday, October 5, and Saturday, October 12, City of Terrace Planners will have a booth at the Skeena Valley Farmers' Market with info and handouts about the Official Community Plan (OCP) Update.

    We want to know what you love about Terrace!

    We'll have postcards and posters for you to write on and give us your input.

    We'll also have OCP Overview print outs with info for you to take home.

    Come say hello!

  • Working Groups continue to meet

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    The process of updating the OCP began in Spring 2024 with the formation of subcommittees/working groups to review and recommend changes and updates to policies and objectives for specific topics, including:

    • Abundant Food Systems (Agriculture)
    • Compact and Complete Neighbourhoods
    • Diversified and Coordinated Economy
    • A Vibrant Downtown
    • Natural Environments, Outdoor Activities and Access
    • Visible and Vibrant Arts, Culture and Heritage
    • Social Well-Being and Accessible Recreation
    • Integrated and Active Transportation Network

    Working groups are comprised of invited stakeholders as well as members of the general public who were selected through an expression of interest process.

    The working groups are actively meeting and it is anticipated that their policy reviews will be complete by early Fall 2024.

    Periodically, throughout the year, there will be public opportunities to review draft maps and documents.

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 01:16 PM