One Change Per Week

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Changing your recycling habits can feel pretty daunting. It also might not feel like what you recycle (or don’t recycle) is really that big a deal. But it all adds up—to 13.5%, in fact, which is the total amount of incompatible material found in our last audit from Recycle BC. They’re the ones who take everything we collect and then sort it at their facilities (we do not do any sorting ourselves). We’ve talked about this before: while the technology for sorting recycling is pretty slick these days, it can’t catch everything. That’s why we require certain items to be recycled in separate streams, rather than curbside. If we picked up everything curbside, the cost would be much higher than it is today—meaning higher taxes for everyone. That’s why we need your help with sorting (and cleaning) items before putting them in your cart or taking them to the depot.

Phew—it’s a lot to learn. But why not try making small changes rather than changing everything at once? We could give you a long list or an infographic filled with every item you might have in your house, but trying to remember everything you read later isn’t exactly easy.

Let’s think about #OneChangePerWeek instead—making one change at a time is manageable and more likely to stick in your brain!

Check out the weekly challenges below and see if you can achieve them each week. You can also click the "Questions" tab to ask for clarification. You'll be a refuse pro in no time.

Changing your recycling habits can feel pretty daunting. It also might not feel like what you recycle (or don’t recycle) is really that big a deal. But it all adds up—to 13.5%, in fact, which is the total amount of incompatible material found in our last audit from Recycle BC. They’re the ones who take everything we collect and then sort it at their facilities (we do not do any sorting ourselves). We’ve talked about this before: while the technology for sorting recycling is pretty slick these days, it can’t catch everything. That’s why we require certain items to be recycled in separate streams, rather than curbside. If we picked up everything curbside, the cost would be much higher than it is today—meaning higher taxes for everyone. That’s why we need your help with sorting (and cleaning) items before putting them in your cart or taking them to the depot.

Phew—it’s a lot to learn. But why not try making small changes rather than changing everything at once? We could give you a long list or an infographic filled with every item you might have in your house, but trying to remember everything you read later isn’t exactly easy.

Let’s think about #OneChangePerWeek instead—making one change at a time is manageable and more likely to stick in your brain!

Check out the weekly challenges below and see if you can achieve them each week. You can also click the "Questions" tab to ask for clarification. You'll be a refuse pro in no time.

  • Yard Waste Drop-Off: Schedule Change for Victoria Day Holiday

    Share Yard Waste Drop-Off: Schedule Change for Victoria Day Holiday on Facebook Share Yard Waste Drop-Off: Schedule Change for Victoria Day Holiday on Twitter Share Yard Waste Drop-Off: Schedule Change for Victoria Day Holiday on Linkedin Email Yard Waste Drop-Off: Schedule Change for Victoria Day Holiday link

    Due to the Victoria Day holiday on Monday, May 20, the Public Works yard will be open for yard waste drop-off on Tuesday, May 21, from 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Please, no drop-offs at other times.


    • Please check in with the attendant upon arrival and follow signs and speed limits in the Public Works yard.
    • You can drop off materials in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags (no bag limit) or loose in the back of a vehicle (please secure material while driving).
    • Accepted items: leaves, lawn clippings, garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, small branches, and prunings less than 12 mm (1/2 inch) in diameter and 1 m (3 feet) long.
    • Not acceptable: food scraps, food-soiled paper products, building materials, or any household refuse—yard trimmings only.
    • This is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles.


  • A Bit About Asbestos

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    A Bit About Asbestos—and Why the Landfill Is Making Changes

    As of April 2, 2024, the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine has implemented a new policy for disposing of construction and demolition waste. This policy, a new directive from WorkSafeBC, is in place to protect the safety of the public, contractors, and staff against any material that might contain asbestos.

    You’ve probably heard of asbestos and how dangerous it is. It’s a building material, usually for sound absorption and fire and heat resistance, that you might find in ceilings, flooring, walls, pipes, insulation, and more. However, we eventually learned that asbestos can cause serious illnesses, including malignant lung cancer, and we stopped using it in 1990. But that means there are still an awful lot of older buildings out there that may contain asbestos. As those buildings are renovated or demolished, they can pose a risk to anyone who might come into contact with the building materials.

    How should you dispose of building materials?

    First of all, NEVER put building materials into your curbside carts—that includes black, blue, or green bins. This has always been the case, and now, it’s more important than ever. If building materials are found in curbside collection carts, the City would incur costs associated with remediation because we’ll have no proof that those items don’t contain asbestos. Anyone putting their construction waste in their curbside carts is essentially using taxpayer money to pay for their bad behaviour. For real. Don’t do it. (Don’t forget: our trucks have cameras!)

    What should you do instead?

    Head to the Thornhill Transfer Station and show proof of home ownership within the RDKS. You’ll also need to show either:

    • A clear date stamp on each of the materials
    • A test result from an approved laboratory

    If you cannot provide either one, don’t panic—that doesn’t mean you should toss it in the bush! If the structure at the address where the materials were taken from was built before 1990, the waste will simply be treated as Asbestos Containing Material.

    To dispose of any materials deemed Asbestos Containing Materials, they must be:

    • Doubled bagged in 6-mil clear plastic bags
    • Securely sealed, either goosenecked-tied or taped
    • Labelled as asbestos

    In addition, the load of materials must not:

    • Exceed 5m³
    • Exceed 1,000 kg

    But if you’re doing a bigger project, take note that just means that a few more conditions must be met. A load greater than 5 m³ is considered controlled waste and will be subjected to a controlled waste application. Likewise, if you transport more than 1,000 kg of waste material you are subject to a License to Transport and a Generator registration. You can check the link below if this applies to your project.

    The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine has some excellent resources on their website about this change, so please have a look!

    View RDKS asbestos information here.

  • Saturday Yard Waste Drop-Off on April 6

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    New! Upcoming weekend yard waste drop-off

    Yard waste drop-off at the Public Works Yard is scheduled to start on Monday, April 8 (8:30 am-4:00 pm). However, we’re also holding a weekend drop-off day on Saturday, April 6, to kick off your spring cleanup!

    Saturday, April 6
    8:30 am-4:00 pm
    Public Works Yard

    Key reminders:

    • Please only come during the designated times
    • Please only dispose of the accepted items (yard waste only; no food scraps)
    • Please bring your yard waste in biodegradable paper bags or loosely but secured in the back of a vehicle
    • Follow speed limits and directions of attendants when in the Public Works yard

    For more details on how to bring your yard waste, check out this post.

  • 2024 Yard Waste Drop-Off Begins April 8

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    Yard waste drop-off for 2024 starts Monday, April 8! We also have a Saturday drop-off available on April 6 to kick off your spring cleanup (same hours and requirements detailed below apply).

    Here’s what you need to know:

    Yard waste can be dropped off on Mondays ONLY at the Public Works yard (5003 Graham Ave) from 8:30 am-4:00 pm. Please, no drop-offs at other times. It is unsafe for the public to enter the yard when we’re not expecting it and workers operating vehicles and heavy machinery may not see you.

    Accepted items: leaves, lawn clippings, garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, small branches and prunings less than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in diameter and 3 feet (1 m) long

    Not accepted: food scraps, food-soiled paper products, building materials, or any household refuse—yard trimmings only and NO invasive species, please!

    How to bring your yard waste:

    1. Our preference is to bring yard waste in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags since they're easier and safer for residents dropping them off as well as for our staff. There is no bag limit for drop-off at Public Works.
    2. We also accept loose material from the back of a vehicle, as long as it contains only accepted items: no tree stumps, large branches, or other prohibited items, please. Please ensure you transport it safely so it doesn't blow out of the vehicle. And remember, this is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles.

    Please check in with the attendant at the front gate before entering the Public Works yard and obey all signage onsite directing traffic safely through, including the posted speed limit of 10 km/hr.

    If you have a small amount of yard waste, please continue to put it in your green organics cart, along with food scraps and soiled paper products. The green cart is picked up as usual on your regular pickup day. (We have 240L green carts available for $45—along with trading in your 120L organics cart—for those looking to upgrade. Contact us for info.)

    Alternative: the Thornhill Transfer Station (3016 Old Lakelse Lake Rd) accepts yard waste on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays. From May 1–Oct 31 it’s from noon to 7 pm, and from Nov 1–April 30 it’s from noon to 5 pm.

    Questions? Use the question form on this page, call us at 250-615-4019, or email

  • 2024 Curbside Collection Schedule Available Now

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    Our 2024 Curbside Collection Schedule is available now as a PDF. Paper copies will be mailed out in the coming weeks.

    Download a copy now

    New to town, just moved, or unsure of your weekly pickup date? Plug in your address to Recycle Coach for a customized schedule, pickup reminders, and a searchable database of what goes where! Use the web tool or download the app here.

  • Christmas Refuse Schedule

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    Residential refuse is not collected on statutory holidays as City offices are closed. There will be NO refuse picked up on Tuesday, December 26.

    If your regular refuse day is on TUESDAYS, your garbage & organics pickup will be on Wednesday, December 27.

    Our refuse truck operators will be very busy on the 27th. Pickup times are likely to vary, so be sure to have your refuse at the curb by 8:00 am.

    Please also note that our offices are closed from December 25-29 as well as January 1.

    Check out the full City of Terrace holiday schedule here.

  • Saturday Drop-Off and Fall Schedule

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    This weekend, Saturday yard waste drop-off is available! If you can’t make our weekly Monday drop-offs, or if your big fall cleanup is underway, this is for you. Please also note that weekly Monday drop-offs will continue through November 27, and then will resume in the spring.

    Saturday Yard Waste Drop-Off:

    November 4
    8:30 am-4:00 pm

    Weekly Yard Waste Drop-Off:

    Mondays through November 27
    (Exception: Tuesday, November 14)
    8:30 am-4:00 pm


    • Please check in with the attendant upon arrival and follow signs and speed limits in the Public Works yard.
    • You can drop off materials in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags (no bag limit) or loose in the back of a vehicle (please secure material while driving).
    • Accepted items: leaves, lawn clippings, garden trimmings, flowers, weeds, small branches, and prunings less than 12 mm (1/2 inch) in diameter and 1 m (3 feet) long.
    • Not acceptable: food scraps (including Halloween pumpkins), food-soiled paper products, building materials, or any household refuse—yard trimmings only.
    • This is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles. | 250-615-4019

  • Organics Popsicles?

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    This is a friendly PSA that it’s cold outside and your organics scraps may be freezing into fruit-and-veggie popsicles, frozen meatballs, and leaf ice cream sandwiches inside your green organics cart and sticking to the sides. If your organics cart isn’t empty after pickup day, this may be why! We try to shake-shake-shake everything free, but it doesn’t always work. Using compostable plastic or paper bags and attempting to keep the outsides moisture-free when possible may help keep them from sticking. More info on organics pickup, including acceptable bags, can be found at

    Upcoming Yard Waste Drop-Off Schedule

    Saturday Yard Waste Drop-Off:
    November 4, 8:30 am-4:00 pm

    Weekly Yard Waste Drop-Off:
    Mondays through November 27
    (Exception: Tuesday, November 14)
    8:30 am-4:00 pm | 250-615-4019
  • Schedule Change: Thanksgiving 2023

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    Due to Thanksgiving on Monday, October 9, the Public Works yard will be open for yard waste drop-off on Tuesday, October 10, from 8:30 am-4:00 pm.

    In case you missed it (and your waterlogged bags have been sitting curbside for a while now and you're not sure why): Yard waste is now collected in green carts on your weekly pickup day. If you have additional yard waste, please bring it to the Public Works yard on Mondays from 8:30 am-4:00 pm (or Tuesdays in the event of a holiday Monday). We are no longer equipped to pick up brown bags left at the curbside.

    Saturday drop-off day

    Can’t make it to the Public Works yard on Mondays? We will be holding a Saturday drop-off event to help with fall cleanup.

    Saturday, November 4
    8:30 am-4:00 pm
    Public Works Yard
    *Please follow signs, speed limits, and the direction of staff onsite when visiting the Public Works yard.

    UPDATE: Following questions from the public, we would like to provide this information on how to bring your yard waste to the Public Works yard:

    • Our preference is to bring yard waste in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags since they're easier and safer for residents dropping them off as well as for our staff. There is no bag limit for drop-off at Public Works.
    • We also accept loose material from the back of a vehicle, as long as it contains only accepted items: no tree stumps, large branches, or other prohibited items, please. Please ensure you transport it safely so it doesn't blow out of the vehicle. And remember, this is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles.


  • SCHEDULE CHANGE - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

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    Due to the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, observed this year on Monday, October 2, the Public Works yard will be open for yard waste drop-off on Tuesday, October 3, from 8:30 am-4:00 pm.

    In case you missed it: Yard waste is now collected in green carts on your weekly pickup day. If you have additional yard waste, please bring it to the Public Works yard on Mondays from 8:30 am-4:00 pm (or Tuesdays in the event of a holiday Monday). We are no longer equipped to pick up brown bags left at the curbside. We are planning an additional drop-off day on a weekend later this fall to help with fall cleanup—stay tuned for details.
