Schedule Change: Thanksgiving 2023


Due to Thanksgiving on Monday, October 9, the Public Works yard will be open for yard waste drop-off on Tuesday, October 10, from 8:30 am-4:00 pm.

In case you missed it (and your waterlogged bags have been sitting curbside for a while now and you're not sure why): Yard waste is now collected in green carts on your weekly pickup day. If you have additional yard waste, please bring it to the Public Works yard on Mondays from 8:30 am-4:00 pm (or Tuesdays in the event of a holiday Monday). We are no longer equipped to pick up brown bags left at the curbside.

Saturday drop-off day

Can’t make it to the Public Works yard on Mondays? We will be holding a Saturday drop-off event to help with fall cleanup.

Saturday, November 4
8:30 am-4:00 pm
Public Works Yard
*Please follow signs, speed limits, and the direction of staff onsite when visiting the Public Works yard.

UPDATE: Following questions from the public, we would like to provide this information on how to bring your yard waste to the Public Works yard:

  • Our preference is to bring yard waste in brown compostable/biodegradable paper bags since they're easier and safer for residents dropping them off as well as for our staff. There is no bag limit for drop-off at Public Works.
  • We also accept loose material from the back of a vehicle, as long as it contains only accepted items: no tree stumps, large branches, or other prohibited items, please. Please ensure you transport it safely so it doesn't blow out of the vehicle. And remember, this is a self-serve drop-off location, so our crew is there to monitor, not assist with emptying vehicles.


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